Create funny face animations. Morph them ALL! |
Morphing images of one face into another is great fun.
Morphing is the process of creating a smooth animated transition
from one picture into another. Using morphing you can add stunning
effects into your home-made videos, create visual jokes for your friends,
or master a unique animated avatar to represent yourself in on-line
communities. You'll easily find many more funny uses on your own. So,
let's concentrate on the technical side...
There are many professional applications that can create video effects.
They produce great animations that are used in million-dollar movies. But,
there is a downside. These programs require a million-dollar operator!
You need to spend years studying a professional video editing package
to get yourself familiar with its interface and features. Even a simplified
morphing program is not suitable for morphing faces just for fun. To
correctly morph one face into another, you need to mark numerous spots first.
ou have to point the victim's eyes, nose, lips and other notable face areas.
Marking the spots manually ensures the highest quality but it may take
hours! Who needs fun that requires so many hours of hard work?
And is this really a fun? And we all know how much professional video tools cost!
FaceMorpher Multi is a program that turns
face morphing into real fun. It guesses the basic spots automatically.
You can tune up the spots if you wish. In most cases, though, the automatically
guessed spots produce animation that is perfectly acceptable for amateur videos or web graphics.
The program is fully automated too. You simply load a series of pictures and
let FaceMorpher Multi automatically recognize the images as faces.
Then you start the morphing process and the program renders the animation.
You can save the result as an AVI file, create an animated GIF image
or a Flash presentation for your web site. Fast, simple, effortless and
inexpensive. MORPH THEM ALL!!!
Buy FaceMorpher Multi Now!
Download FaceMorpher Multi Now!
FaceMorpher Web Edition |
FaceMorpher Weition is designed specifically for online morphing Web applications.
FaceMorpher WE recognizes facial features of uploaded photos and creates a morphing animation that can be displayed on a website. The integration is quick and easy with the available WEB API, sample code and detailed instructions. Please contact Luxand Inc. to request a demo.
FaceMorpher Lite |
Don't want to morph multiple photos? Want a really simple program to morph
two photos only? Try FaceMorpher Lite! All you have to do is to load two
images and point to the faces you want to morph.
It's fun! Imagine your home video enhanced with stunning effects.
Filmed a wedding? Try to morph the bride into a little girl and vice versa,
or morph the groom and the bride together to see how their kids will look.
Amuse your friends morphing them into political celebrities, movie superstars
or popular musicians. Express yourself in morphs!
FaceMorpher Lite is the first fully automated image morphing software on the market.
It is tuned to work with human faces. No need to manually define control points.
FaceMorpher Lite uses its AI to analyze images and to automatically recognize parts
of faces that should be morphed into each other. Putting it simply, all you have to
do is to load two images and point to the faces you want to.
Download FaceMorpher Lite Now!
Protected by U.S. Patent 8,879,804.